


Competitions are an effective way to collect data, but more than that, they can engage your community in meaningful and memorable ways, and these positive and rewarding customer experiences contribute to brand loyalty over time.

Digital is giving a new meaning to competitions and the most successful promotions start with an excellent user experience that extends brand interaction. Digital promotions can capture new consumer data, drive traffic to your website, add fans to your Facebook page, explode social commentary via Twitter, and ultimately reach people that might otherwise not be exposed to your brand. Through this experience, you can give your community the opportunity to interact and be heard, drive brand advocacy and identify new brand ambassadors.

Competitions can inspire and offer an opportunity to be more imaginative. Your current projects may have very tight budgets, or your creativity may be stifled by the requirements of your client. A competition can be a design exercise – or a charrette – for you and your employees. Think more to those “open-ended” projects you that pop into your head – no funding restraints, loose client requirements, and a little time to dream.

Consider including competitions in the overall marketing strategy for your company. Utilize them as cost-effective marketing tools. They typically have no or relatively low-cost entry fees. If you’re short on client projects, or even if you have ample workflow, entering a competition is a good way to promote your name, explore new ideas, and motivate you to try new project types.

While contests and sweepstakes have been around for a long time, they have taken on a new life with the growth of the social web. Contests are certainly not the answer to every marketing challenge, but they should be part of every social media marketer’s toolkit. Here are four reasons why:

            1.  Contests Are a Great Tool for Building Your Fan Base

A basic enter-to-win sweepstakes with a lower barrier to entry often provides the best option for those just starting out with social media contests or without a large base of fans in place.

            2.  Contests Enable You To Engage Your Audience

A user-generated content promotion helps increase the sheer number of people who interact with your brand, a contest provides a means to deepen the connection as well with users

            3.  Contests Are a Rich Source of Data

With the lure of a prize, many people are prepared to share information with you as part of the entry process. You don’t want to introduce too many barriers, but don’t miss the opportunity to learn a bit more about your consumers (i.e., how they heard about your promotion, what their favorite product of yours is, etc.).

            4.  Contests Empower Consumers To Do Your Marketing For You

How would you like to have hundreds or thousands of your fans helping to spread the word about your campaign? It is important to have a promotional plan that encompasses multiple marketing channels, but thanks to sharing via social media, contests today enable an amplification of your marketing message that was not previously possible.

Like other tools, contests can be extremely effective when used as part of a comprehensive social media strategy. Any consumer facing organization, as well as many business-to-business enterprises, can take advantage of contests to realize the four benefits highlighted above.



  • We help you – decide on type of contest, research and implement.
  •  We plan ahead to include competitions as part of your annual marketing efforts.
  •  We create your calendar of upcoming calls for entry, including registration dates, binder requirements, and submission deadlines.
  •  Through this type of marketing we intend to improve your loyalty strategy: the Single Customer View.
  •  It is through a deep understanding of the consumer that we feed your brand to create a richer, more interactive customer experience at every touch-point.
  •  There are hundreds of designs and construction to competitions, we can help you reach further with competitions including those sponsored by various trade magazines, newspapers, professional organizations and industry groups.
  •  We craft successful innovations in the competition space allowing brands to understand their market and complete database profiles.
  •  All-in-all, we help you create a winning competition that also connects with the market in really interesting ways, creating an element of ‘surprise and delight’ and building customer loyalty.

The Point and Power In Social Media Marketing


There are three types of services I provide;

  1. Creation of a Social Media Marketing Plan, including coaching. The marketing plan will give you a detailed, step-by-step action plan that includes four one-hour consulting and training sessions. This is perfect for a Marketing Team already in place. Full Social Media Marketing Plan From P800 (One-Time Fee) includes 4 one-hour training sessions for your Team and unlimited email support for 60 days (also not limited to the below mentioned sites, personalized for your project).
  2.  Fresh Marketing Ideas an Hour at a Time If you want a review of your existing social sites and some on-the-fly recommendations, I can do that, too! Email me to reserve time for this service
  3. Social Media Managing Services Let my Team do all the social media marketing for you. From P300/month each – see details in the last    section of this document. 

social media marketing pic

  • Social Account Creation and Design
  • Social Media Managing
  • If you already have the creation and design completed for a social site, just look at the managing part for that social platform
  • You can mix and match just the services you need for your project.


Twitter is used mainly for its ability to move traffic to a site. 90% of the tweets are designed to engage interest and make the click to the site. After that, the site needs to manage the interest and move people to the sale.

Twitter will work for you when you make the tweets as down-home and authentic and as non-sales-y as possible.

What to Tweet:  statement of benefits, vocabulary that captures the voice of your company, with links

Voice:  The most important part to define is the “voice” of the tweets; highly energetic, forceful, sweet, etc. The voicing will be the emotional mover in the tweet creation process.

Account Creation 

  • Open account(s) with  agreed upon username and full name
  • 160 character  bio developed with keywords  and extra URLs
  • Photo  uploaded, background image designed and uploaded
  • Follow up to 400 people on your behalf by keyword and/or location
  • Create three Twitter Lists  to organize the people and brands you Follow and for the extra reach and marketing juice
  • Research and suggest 20 global hash tags  for marketing based on your business niche

Monthly Marketing Tasks 

  • Facebook Page posts auto-post to designated Twitter accounts
  • Manually following other targeted tweeters to grow your following. Following  a minimum of 50 new people per week targeted by keyword
  • 10 tweets/day
  • Actively Re-tweeting and commenting on your behalf
  • Actively using the designated hash tags


Facebook can be an amazing space; if you have a clear idea of what brings people together, what people love to share and where you want them to go and how to get them there.

  • What brings people together:  sense of shared traits.
  • What people love to share: images, quotes and powerful statements
  • Where do you want them to go:  always take them to a place that solves their problem, sales page, video page
  • Promoted Posts will be very important to use, I can develop several posts that would be perfect for Promoted Posts. These can be posted and used anytime.
  • Posting on Facebook on a pre-determined and designed schedule of high traffic times on Facebook. 
  • Facebook ads that are targeted to a targeted audience would be great, if the budget allows.  I can create and manage an ad campaign for you.  The costs of the ads are not part of the fee for creating the marketing plan, but managing a campaign is included. Facebook Ads start from P60.00 per ad

Business Page development and/or optimization

  • 5 Cover images designed & developed with your existing images and agreed upon text. These will be rotated once a month or agreed upon schedule
  • All settings adjusted, Admins connected, username created
  • Optimization of pictures and albums, sorting and uploading
  • Instructions and strategy developed to be sent out in all your marketing tracks to garner new Page Likes (newsletter text, print ads, email marketing)

Monthly Marketing Tasks 

  • 3  Linked  Facebook  posts   (image  +  text  +  link)  per  week,  M-W-F,  to  the  Page. These  are  posts  that  have  already  been  created  on  a blog  or  website.  If you need Content creation, please discuss this with me.
  • 2  simple  posts  a  week ,  simple questions and fill-in-the-blank types of posts
  • Monitoring  conversations, deleting spam, and postings replies on the Page
  • Interacting with other targeted Pages as your Page for increased visibility and Facebook Page growth once a week. A list of these Pages or a keyword to find them in search is needed for this task.
  • Optional:   Running  one  Facebook  Ad  campaign  per  month  for  more  aggressive Facebook Page growth and e-mail options.  Monitoring the ad campaign to ensure the cheapest price per click and delivering a monthly report on the stats. You can decide on a daily budget and the cost would go on your credit card.
  • Change cover image  once a month or agreed upon schedule

Solid_color_You_Tube_logoYOUTUBE SEO

The main reason you want to be on YouTube is the SEO benefit. Several videos need to be developed to use all the targeted keywords you want to own for this program. These video do not need to be on-camera interviews. The videos can be presentations, ads, testimonials with static images etc.

YouTube  can  be  an  amazing  space  if  you  provide  an entertaining,  professional  and highly optimized video channel.

 Entertaining:  Please make sure there is an element of entertainment woven into every video you create. Also, please make sure that they are relevant and promotional to your business.

Professional:  Your Channel needs to be beautiful and match the quality of your website. You will need to put some attention on the social aspect to really gain the most from this social site.

Highly Optimized:  I have a checklist of things to do to make sure each video gets you in the top of the search engines.

Channel Creation (One-Time)

  • Creating or using an existing Gmail account  to open new YouTube Channel
  • Design the Channel ; format, description, background image upload
  • Optional:  If you need a background image create it will cost you an additional P250
  • Creating 3 Playlists for social marketing tasks
  • Strategy proposal for content acquisition and control

Monthly Marketing Tasks (On-Going)

  • Uploading and optimizing YouTube  videos  with keywords,  titles, and descriptions to be found and drive traffic
  • Managing YouTube comments  by answering posts and removing spam as needed
  • Adding your created/acquired videos to designated playlists
  • Adding other channels videos to designated playlists


The images that are developed for Facebook can be re-purposed on the website and then Pinned to Pinterest for increased traffic. Pinterest generates more referral traffic for businesses than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined.

Pinterest can be an amazing space if you provide beautiful images that inspire curiosity, links back to your landing pages and encourage supporters to Pin your stuff.

Creating images is a fundamental social media task. You use those images on your landing pages, sales pages and websites.

The whole reason for using Pinterest is to create traffic back to your landing and sales pages. Pinterest is a winner in this function. Pinterest Drives More Traffic Than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Encourage Supporters:  By providing a way for your biggest supporters and customers to Pin and Re-Pin your images from your site you’ll multiply your marketing efforts.

The focus of this phase is to use the most powerful traffic mover to expand your target market and bring them directly to your sales pages.

 Account Creation (One-Time)

  • Creating a new account with the business name and description
  • Creating up to 10 Boards; title and descriptions will need to be approved
  • Populating those 10 Boards with existing content
  • Following 50 people targeted by keyword

Monthly Marketing Tasks (On-Going)

  • Adding 5 pins a week from existing content
  • Re-pinning 5 pins a week from other people/business Boards
  • Replying to comments, adding 5 comments a week

Google+logoGOOGLE+ SEO

We would create this space and connect it up with all the SEO in the company page about section. A functional Google personal account is needed for private G+ video Hangouts with potential customers and/or existing customers.

Google+ can also be an amazing space if your customers are already there.

Personal Account and Page Creation (One-Time)- And Local G+ for local businesses

  • Personal account creation  and/or revitalization
  • Profile page developed, images uploaded
  • Training  on how to use Picasa for Instant Upload to account
  • Local G+ Page found and Claiming Process started
  • System created for  auto-posting Google+ updates  directly to Twitter account
  • 10 Circles created  for marketing and research

Monthly Marketing Tasks (On-Going)

  • One status update/day that auto- posts to client’s Twitter account
  • One Shared post/day from A- List person in client’s niche
  • Add people to designated Circles

Blogging Platformth (2)

The blogging platform will be based upon WordPress and will be styled to match both the overall brand and the website. Blogs typically do not allow for instant sales, however, they offer increased credibility, loyalty, and are great items to promote the business across the website, newsletter, social media, etc.

Blog marketing services involve a range of promotional techniques that increase traffic or brand recognition. Some forms take advantage of the popularity of a well-known existing blog, while others call for creating a new site or integrating the format into your existing site.

Creating a blog for your website is a blog marketing service that you retain complete control over. Leading search engines like Google reward websites that feature regular updates of quality content. Installing a blogging service speeds up the process of adding new information. I offer a full line-up of blog marketing services in Houston and around the world. Even if you do not feel confident in your writing abilities, they can provide you with a complete business blog solution. They also specialize in creating connections with the biggest bloggers in your industry for review opportunities.


Special Note:
Once off/creation prices include a personalized write up of how to make them work for your business. Also included is a crash course of how to use any of them, all research summarized for you benefit and reference.

Please request a quotation, I work with the budget that you have for your social media needs. The prices depend on how many sites you need managed, the state of your current pages and on how many creations of visuals or images you may need. If you need images to be developed, that is a separate from the management cost. Ask for a quote and my design T’s & C’s.

TIP: The images that you have should be, free of copyright and they should be  part of your regular blog posts. We Pin directly from the website/blog, so these would already need to be posted.  
The Social Media Marketing services are not limited to the ones listed in this document. If you prefer others please drop me an email and I can do the pricing for you.

Management of Social Media Maketing Services

thReports for ALL Contracted Social Accounts
Monthly PDF report on traffic, interactions, demographics and growth.
Twice monthly meetings to assess needs and maintain open communication
All monthly management services have unlimited email and telephonic support
Select the services you need for your project:

Marketing Service List

Marketing Service List


A Marketing Strategy is a written document for selling the products/services of any business. It is a reflection of how serious a company is in meeting the competition head on, with strategies and plans to increase market share and attract customers. An effective Marketing Strategy is backed by carefully collected market, consumer and competitor

Why implement a Marketing Strategy?
A good Marketing Strategy will help you to improve your odds against more experienced competitors and newly emerging ones. The Strategy enables you to recognize and take action on any trends and consumer preferences that other companies have overlooked, and to develop and expand your own select group of loyal customers now and into the future. The Plan also shows to others that you have carefully considered how to produce/sell a product or give a service that is innovative, unique and marketable- improving your chances of stable sales and profits – reasons for investors to financially back you.

Marketing and strategy

Marketing Strategy
Throughout a marketing strategy we will outline the largest demographics and best mediums online in order to reach your segmented consumers through various channels. We believe that a marketing strategy should also have a combined interactive marketing calendar that will include major events throughout a 12 month schedule for online advertise spends, marketing promotions and other important dates throughout the year that impact your business. This marketing schedule will relate back to all parts of the business: website, eCommerce, Blog, Social Media and Advertising and ensure that all parts of the advertising are automated.

Social media is simple, but not easy. We believe that’s the best way to explain it. To that end, one of the best ways we have learned to drill down on what the best strategy is for your organization is to work with you through every step of the process. We’re confident that by going through these processes, working together and being confident in the outcomes, you’ll be on the right path to creating a best in class social media strategy. The other thing to know about social media is that it’s changing. Fast. Just as someone once said about sports records, “today’s records are tomorrow’s averages”, you need to stay tuned to the changes afoot in social media because today’s reakthroughs are either going to be, at best, Tomorrow’s best practices or at worst, lessons of what not to do.

th (1)Blogging Platform 

The blogging platform will be based upon WordPress and will be styled to match both the overall brand and the website. Blogs typically do not allow for instant sales, however, they offer increased credibility, loyalty, and are great items to promote the business across the website, newsletter, social media, etc.
Using our third party newsletter software a template based upon the brand will be created, this will allow for subscribers of the newsletter to get instant information and promotions, right on their finger tips. Newsletter Marketing can boost any businesses, adding to it value added service of being ‘convenient’. The newsletter system will cost a fee of not more than P250 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers; this fee will be charged by the third party system and not by Lagino Inc.

Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)Ask for detailed price info. 

Social Media platforms will be developed that will allow for easy promotion cross platform. The following will be completed within this package;

  • Twitter Branding
  • YouTube Branding for Product Demo’s, etc.
  • Twitter and Facebook connection to Website, Blog, Newsletter (ie. Post to one, post to all).
  • Facebook Fan Gating (ie. Must like page to see information, increases likes by 300%)
  • Custom Company Page for Facebook that takes information from eCommerce System
  • Custom Welcome Page for Facebook
  • Pinterst- The images that are developed for Facebook can be re-purposed on the website and then Pinned to Pinterest for increased traffic.

Facebook Advertising 

Facebook advertising is some of the most effective online advertising with the highest returns and lowest cost per click. Facebook advertising will be completed in key periods based upon the marketing strategy to increase viewership to your company’s promotions, items and launches.

We are excited to offer our services to your company and a chance to create and implement a strategy for you. Striving to be Maun’s leading marketing company, we want to help your company continue its growth and develop a long lasting business partnership that will be mutually beneficial for years to come. We can get started right away!




With international and versatile experience in the Graphic Design and Marketing World, we can offer you the following graphic design services: 

Marketing & Advertising:
Designing effective advertisements that can be features in local newspapers and magazines and helping advertisers get the most “Bang for your Buck” is my marketing design strategy. Our mission is to give small business owners ads that will help you stand out in the crowd and bring new business to your door.

Signage/Board Design:

  • Scaled and formatted to fit your board
  • We can upload the art to your company of choice
  • Poster printing available for additional fee.


  • Scaled perfectly to fit
  • Printing available

Get high quality, full color banners that are great for indoor or outdoor use. Use them to promote an event, fundraiser, sale, party, new business opening, or even for placing on cattle trailers. We will design, print and get banner(s) to you. Rates are based on the size of the banner, and amount of grommets. Courier rates are based on your location. Get
a free banner quote today (they are cheaper than you may think!)

According to Wikipedia, “Brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company (name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and how it relates to key constituencies: customers, staff, partners, investors etc.” Helping new and small businesses get started (or re-designed) by taking the time to identify your target market, what your business does, how your business does it better than your competition and how to get your image to appeal to your target market. I do all of this by offering the following design services:

  • logos
  • letterhead
  • envelopes
  • business cards
  • brochures

First, we’ll start branding your image with your logo, which will be designed to fit various marketing items. Then we’ll help you brand your business with matching letterhead, envelopes, business cards and more. We provide high quality printing services for each of these items.
Get your business noticed by potential customers with my branding services. Get started now with a FREE Quote!

The days of going out to the mall and buying a pack of party invitations with your child’s favorite character on them, going home and filling out each and every invitation by hand are fading away and for good reason. They are time consuming, dull and not customized. This is where we come in. We design invitations for parties, weddings, graduation, baby showers, and other events. Our designs are designed for one person/event. No one else will have the same invitations as you! Once the design is completed, we will be happy to print and mail the invitations to you or send you the final design so you can have it printed. Feel free to request some samples of other invitations we’ve done and contact us when you are ready to get a quote for your unique invitations. Party packages complete with invitations, plates, cups, napkins, and banners available. Contact us today for rates!

Photo Enhancements:
Whether you want to remove a wedding ring, change your eye or hair color, or just add special effects to your favorite photo, you are in the right place. Send us your photo, tell us what you have in mind and we will give you a quote.

Graphic/Web Design Services Rates:
Design and printing rates vary based on several factors such as: design time, amount of revisions, amount of items printed, shipping, images/graphics used, any image enhancements, and by how fast you need it. Contact us today for a FREE Quote.

We offer printing packages for additional COMPETITIVE fees and can send your marketing items almost anywhere. Since each project has different needs, contact us today to discuss your business needs. We are currently taking on new projects and have a proven track record of success. Don’t wait any longer, HIRE US TODAY before your competition does.     71454960 / 73854960

La ‘ Gino Inc Company Profile

La ‘ Gino Inc Company Profile


La’Gino Incorporated is a full service design and mass communications company established in 2010. We offer engaging visual branding solutions, marketing strategies as well as event management that achieve results. We set high standards for not only our clients but ourselves, allowing for a consistent and coordinated communication effort across all customer touch-points.



  • The core aim of the company is to provide 1st class management solutions in any area where the objective is creating brand identity. 
  • To provide creative below the line marketing strategies for companies/clients who are looking to promote their brands through increased visibility in the market using strategies that could range from but not limited to high profile events and launches at premium locations.
  • To establish a strong and recognizable brand identity and guidelines to ensure proper use and a successful communications program.



Graphic Design
Marketing Strategies
Event Management
Club/Venue Promotion
Customer Service Training
Talent Management/Artist Branding
Music artist development and Admin


A brand’s identity is the visual expression of a band that is communicated to the outside world includes its names, logotype or mark, communications and visual appearance. An identity system and identity guideline manual allow for the consistent use of the brand’s identity through all consumer touch-points, allowing a brand to be easily recognized and gain awareness in the marketplace.

A brand identity creates an emotional connection, and reflects the brand positioning and desired image.

Our brand identity process is comprised of six steps: it starts with an analysis of the business needs and ends with the application of the brand identity to several pieces of marketing communication.

  • Copywriting Campaign Development
  • Exhibition Signage Events
  • Advertising: Print & Online Media
  • Website Development
  • Integrated Marketing Plans


  • Logo
  • Company profiles
  • Company/Brand Style Identities Systems & Guidelines
  • Typography
  • HTML / printed newsletters


  • Modeling portfolios
  • Family portraits
  • Wildlife
  • Postcards


  • Marketing is all about innovation; and branding is the ability to associate with the target market and appeal to its tastes and preferences. While the ability to understand customers and analyze their needs and behavior may be the basics of marketing, to reach out to consumers and convey the message about a product or service is a different ball game. This is where innovation plays the key role – in giving marketers the edge by making them associate their companies and brands with consumers. It is this association with consumers at an intimate level that would create a bonding, which would translate into market share and bottom line. One way to reach out to the consumer and make him or her identify with the brand is to appeal to some of that consumer’s innate desires and something that he or she holds close to heart.



We train your staff the knowledge, skills and competencies required to increase customer satisfaction. Course content includes:

  • Greeting customers (either by phone or in person), questioning to understand the customer’s need or problem, listening, confirming understanding, responding with value, using positive language, eliminating jargon, concluding the phone, face-to-face or email interaction, dealing with disgruntled customers and the importance of body language and tone of voice.



  • Promote our clients brand, message as well as products and services
  • Organize and manage creative, value filled events
  • Organizing and running entertainment events (activations, parties, gala dinners) for brands and organizations, handling all logistics and marketing
  • Providing entertainment line-up from MC’s, to  artists, poets, comedians and bands for events
  • Partnership in the form of sponsoring of La’Gino artists’ events for benefits including brand association on communications and branding at venue amongst others
  • We boast six years of experience in the entertainment industry, both international and local.



  • Serve the entertainment needs of our clients and the end user (audience) offering quality and value
  • Advertising placements on La’Gino official website that launches in end of year.
  • Direct marketing in the form of bulk SMS to contacts from a database containing a range of individuals across markets through our strategic partners.



  •  Leverage the strength of our product brands (MUSIC TALENT) for co-branding purposes
  •  Improve the level of professionalism in the Botswana music and entertainment industry
  •  Business approach differentiates ‘SFG’ from other players in an industry known to be unstructured and unprofessional
  •  Artists performance bookings
  •  Artist Brand Association Options
  •  Advertising and brand/product Placement on ‘artist’ media, events and communications
  •  Event Management



  • Use of talent image/production for media campaign
  • Establishing brand sponsorship and/or association with artist
  • License of Artist music for radio, TV or any other campaign requiring music syncing
  • Production of new music by artist tailored for a product or cause
  • Endorsement of a product/brand by Artist on radio or TV
  • Artist image consulting, marketing & branding



It starts with our choice of business partners: we support local artists and citizen start up businesses with advice and collaborations, helping Botswana to grow from the inside out.

We also support selected social responsibility projects improving our local communities by giving our services and organizing donation rallies and fundraisers but it doesn’t end there – we donate our time.

We support the following institutions:


Located in the heart of Botswana, House of Hope provides support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) and their caregivers. Opened in 1999, House of Hope operates a day program for preschool OVCs a support group for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWAs).


Motse wa Tsholofelo Orphan and Vulnerable Children day care was established as a response to the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children in Maun, surrounding villages and settlements. The project is community-based and operates under Maun Counselling Centre. The daycare looks after 52 HIV-affected children aged two to six years-old and their caregivers. It provides educational activities, psychosocial support, meals, caregiver support and home visits to families.

Lagino and its two charities of choice have a shared vision of being a model center of excellence that provides care and compassion while empowering stakeholders to be instrumental in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS.

We aim to create synergies between our different clients, which range from corporate companies, venues, lodges, DJ’s, artists, producers, beverage brands…etc. Who all have the one aim of getting brand exposure to a wider market.

Exposure works. Engagement wins.

Contact us for more information. Ask for our exciting:

  • Step-by-step Branding Identity Process
  • Customer Service Training breakdown
  • Event Management extended profile
  • Event Calendar
  • Design Portfolio
  • Photographic Portfolio
  • Artists’ profiles
  • More information on our charities of choice